Tuesday, December 1, 2009

School of the athens!

Renaissance was a period that had rediscovered the lost knowledge. Art was a major contribute during the Renaissance. New styles, techniques and roman culture formed the Renaissance art. Renaissance art had conveyed messages and ideas to the people. One of these very famous painting was 'The School Of Athens.' This piece was painted by Raphael and had shows the way people understood the way of life during the Renaissance where everyone had some faith in god but some of them started to find out about the world around them using scientific and mathematical methods. We know this since the whole painting is divided into 2 part the right side shows people who has spiritual beliefs which is the bases of Plato's philosophy and on the right are the humanists who has faith in god but looks at the world using curiosity and observation and helped human kind live realistically. Rome and greek cultures also had a great influence and  helped in these experiments. A lot of links are shown between Rome and Renaissance through architectures and way of clothing in the painting. The ' School Of Athens' is a fresco (paintings done on walls, plaster or ceilings) that was painted in the Papal Palace in Vatican City. A lot of famous figures are displayed in the pictures that have played a major part in History. The 'School of Athens' is a visual description of the Renaissance.

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